Wednesday 19 May 2010

Ideas and concepts

While Thursday was a day for collecting impressions and the conception of early ideas, Friday would turn out to be a day of reflection and contemplation. In some shape or form.

Every day Leo would start by making a short reflection on the previous day, linking the activities to examples and theories in the arts. Then the ideas of the previous day would be discussed further under the guidance of Horst and Elvira.

One clear idea coming from the preparation phase, was to make use of the bird sounds of the island. This is why on Friday morning some of the students went out into the nature park and recorded the sounds of the birds. They were 'translated' into graphic representations by Sjuuls Oonk, a student of Minerva Academy, and in turn served as inspirations for musicians. At this stage it was still not quite clear how the bird song would be used later in the project.

Another idea that prevaled at this stage, was the idea of working with windmills...

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